Organic Farming
Agriculture, Climate Change, Environmental & Wildlife Conservation

Intern with a not-for-profit voluntary organization, established with a noble mission to create wealth for the nation through innovations in resource management and capacity building. Today, this organization is gaining international recognition as a leading resource organization that provides sustainable agriculture solutions to the world.
At the heart of this organization is a dedication to the organic philosophy, which inherently benefits the Earth, the environment, and ultimately the future of our planet. Organic production and processing are rooted in a set of principles and standards that guide activities across the entire value chain, from farming to food, covering organic production at the farm, processing, storage, labeling, and marketing stages. Organic agriculture, at its core, strives to minimize the use of external inputs, effectively reducing the cost of cultivation, which benefits both the producers and consumers alike.
This organization is actively engaged in a range of intervention areas, including:
1. Organic Farming Sustainable Agriculture & Livelihood: They promote and support sustainable agricultural practices, with a focus on organic farming and the livelihoods of those involved in agriculture.
2. Vermiculture, Environment & Biotechnology: With a commitment to environmental sustainability, they explore practices like vermiculture and biotechnology to improve resource management.
3. Entrepreneurship, Business Models & Human Resource Development: They actively foster entrepreneurship, develop sustainable business models, and invest in human resource development.
4. Information Technology for Agriculture: Leveraging the power of technology, they harness information technology to drive advancements in the field of agriculture.
5. Social Services Delivery Innovations: They are dedicated to innovating social services delivery, ensuring that the benefits of their work reach those who need it most.
Interning with this impactful organization provides a unique opportunity to contribute to their mission of promoting sustainable agriculture and resource management. It allows you to engage in initiatives that have a profound and positive impact on the environment and the lives of individuals, while fostering innovation and resourcefulness in various aspects of agriculture and beyond.