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Reproductive Health Education

Reproductive Health Education

Intern with an organization dedicated to advancing women's rights in Kosovo, promoting equality irrespective of factors such as political beliefs, religion, age, education level, sexual orientation, and abilities. The organization strives for a Kosovo where women and men enjoy equal opportunities in education, employment, political participation, healthcare, and a life free from violence.

As an intern, you will contribute to the Quality, Equal Education program, focusing on reproductive health education in schools across Kosovo. Tasks may include research, surveys, data analysis, project implementation, and planning and participating in events and activities. The program's long-term goals involve challenging gender norms and power relations through improved curricula, encompassing both formal and informal education on feminism.

The program aims to increase childcare centers, enhance curricula and textbooks from a gender perspective, and integrate gender perspectives into EU policies and programs. The ideal intern, pursuing or holding a degree in fields such as gender studies, international studies, diplomacy, political sciences, communications, public relations, English, or creative writing, should possess initiative, the ability to work independently, motivation, commitment, excellent interpersonal skills, and cultural awareness. The role entails understanding and navigating Kosovo's culture, history, and current events.

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